Hallo 2016! I guess it’s a little late to say this but hey, we’re still in January so it ain’t too bad. I’m not gonna talk about new year’s resolution right now, we’ll get into that later on.However,  I sincerely hope the new year is looking promising and going on great!


Sometimes we have things we hold on to that we should have let go of a long time ago. More often than not, we know the right thing to do is to let go and focus on what’s ahead but we still cling onto some of these things. This leads to constantly fighting battles that we dive into, not challenges the enemy shoots at us.Why? Because it looks like letting go is too hard or we’ve been hurt too much to just wipe out the pain. But guess what, baggage affects you and only you; it’s not directed at the enemy but it destroys you. Sadly, the body of Christ is carrying too much baggage to focus on what God has called us to do. We’re too busy fighting unnecessary wars that we unleash ourselves that we forget to live the life God has called us to live. To preach the gospel, to be imitators of Christ. Matt. 18:19-20 “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”  Eph. 5:1-2: “Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. And walk in love.”  1 Peter 2:21 “For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps.”



It’s time to make a conscious decision to let go of all the baggage. Anyway, why would you wanna carry baggage when you have someone who can handle all of it in a better way and restore peace? Cast your burdens unto Jesus for he cares for you. He knows you have burdens and that’s okay; all He needs you to do is to cast them unto Him, lay it at His feet and rest, believe that He’s got it handled; He’s got you covered, He always does! See, the enemy wants to rob you of peace because peace determines direction. Colossians 3:15 says let the peace of God rule in your hearts. We are able to discern God’s will and plan for us by the peace we have. Peace determines direction. No wonder Paul tells the church in Ephesus to fit their feet with the readiness that comes with the gospel of peace.(Ephesians 6:15) Your feet do the walking, they pick up direction. The reverse is true, whenever we’re robbed of peace, we don’t make sober decisions, we don’t take the right direction.


This is why it’s extremely vital to let go of all the unforgiveness, the hurt, the pain,the grudge just let it go. It’s gonna be handled by one who loves you more than you love yourself. It could be a relationship that’s not right for you; and you know it coz deep down you keep questioning yourself, let it go..Just let it go. Now that I touched on relationships,lemme just mention 2 Corinthians 6:14 Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? For us believers, we can’t involve ourselves( dating or marriage) with unbelievers. It doesn’t matter how kind, nice or loving the lady/gentleman is; the command is;DO NOT!You are either redeemed or you’re not! If you are not, it doesn’t matter how nice you are, that doesn’t give you redemption, only Christ can. This is truth, the word of God is truth.


When Paul was traveling to Rome they made a stop on the island of Malta where they gathered the wood to make a fire but a viper jumped off the wood and fastened itself on his hand. Paul and the soldiers had had such a rocky trip in the sea due to the heavy storm. The people thought that he was a murderer coz of these consecutive tragedies. But this is what Paul did when the snake fastened itself on his hand: Acts 28:5 But Paul shook the snake off into the fire and suffered no ill effects. 


What is it that you need to shake off? Just dance out of it, offload the baggage. Even the world knows this, how much more christians who have Christ handling all their burden?Just shake it off!




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