Woosh! It’s been a while…I’m actually dusting my blog:-P Hallo wordpress and hi guys!

I’m gonna be talking about challenges and trials today. Why do we go through trials? Why do we (Christians i.e people in a relationship with Christ) have to face some battles? These are some of the FAQs in the Godly walk. It’s easy to give an answer when you are not going through a challenge; but when this wave hits you, truth be told, it’s not easy. But here’s the thing, Christ didn’t promise us a simple life without challenges, He promised to be with us, he gave us the victory. John 16:33  I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world. He’s not about to overcome the world, He already did! Redemption was complete so breathe….You are guaranteed of victory!


Isaiah 43:2Amplified Bible (AMP) When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;And through the rivers, they will not overwhelm you.When you walk through fire, you will not be scorched; Nor will the flame burn you. Whatever form of challenge you face, remember it’s intended to strengthen you and develop your character. We must be a mirror of Jesus even in our character, this doesn’t happen overnight, it’s a process and challenges play an enormous role in this process. You must be rubbed hard to have a strong and shinny surface; it takes a lot of squeezing before the orange juice can be extracted from the orange. The squeezing is not easy. It can be really hot, really icy and extremely uncomfortable but remember, at the end of the day, our mission here is to represent Christ! So whatever it takes, then so be it. God already told us He’s with us and we have the victory so why worry? Just go with the God flow, be molded accordingly. As Joyce Meyer puts it, gifts are given to us by God but fruit and Godly character must be developed.


The next question would be, do we have the heart to persevere? Do we? A heart that is so given to God such that every challenge brings you closer to Him. A heart poured out to God, ready to learn however God teaches you, a heart that takes in correction and rebuke from God’s word, a heart that evaluates character, a humble heart that’s approachable, a heart that knows not everything but relies on the Holy Spirit for everything. It’s time we (me included) take stock of our hearts, only a circumcised heart will survive, that is, a heart that’s fully devoted to Jesus; ready and willing to learn and be shaped in whatever way.


I remember some time back I had such a terrible heart break(these things are really not good), I hurt so bad I can’t even put it in words, the pain was excruciating. I honestly thought my world was coming to an end, life was just different, to say the least . I remember crying out to God and drawing closer to Him; looked like I had nowhere else to go. Everything I had to say I said to Jesus and I ended up spending more time with Him; good thing is, our relationship really grew. God healed me and now I look back and I’m grateful this happened. My relationship with God grew so much at that time and God spared me from so much that I hadn’t foreseen but he had, because He’s God. Have you gone through something so challenging before but after sometime you look back and you’re glad it happened? I bet you have! Let’s face the trials and challenges that come with this attitude, one day, we’ll look back and be glad it happened. But for now, let’s put on the right garment, a circumcised heart; we’ll learn all we need to learn, allow God to develop our character and rejoice in the Lord always. Philippians 4:4


A circumcised heart is a grateful heart. A heart that has shed off anger, bitterness and sorrow to expose God’s light. A circumcised heart gives thanks, always! Praises God in spite of and despite of. We shouldn’t praise God because we feel like but because that’s what we do, that’s what we love doing, that’s what we were created to do! Psalms 150:6 Let Everything that has breath praise the Lord. When Jesus multiplied the loaves and the fish, he simply gave thanks! The power of thanksgiving! A thank you is a multiplying tool, use it!  A circumcised heart is a heart that gives thanks all the time.


So let’s guard our hearts from all worldly perceptions, let’s walk in the “God-like” thoughts to be able to walk through tough trying times but increasingly glow in God’s glory. I know it’s easier said than done, but it can be done. Proverbs 4:23 As a man thinks in his heart so is he. We gotta think about ourselves the way God thinks about us. We are victorious in Christ Jesus, no weapon formed against us shall prosper, we have the mind of Christ and we produce good fruit (which is developed in challenges). Proverbs 23:7 As a man thinks in his heart so is he. Think grateful thought! Train your heart how to rejoice ALWAYS! Even it trials and tough times, remember the joy of the Lord is your strength. I have an instructor who’s response to the casual greeting ‘how are you?’ is: ‘I’m grateful’. What a good way to guard her heart!

So let’s go through it all with a circumcised heartScreenshot_2015-01-06-20-48-59-1, through it all, let your eyes be focused on Jesus. It doesn’t matter what you are going through, just wear this garment and watch your life being transformed! Focus on Jesus!



One comment

  1. Tonny · December 12, 2015

    On point! circumcised hearts stay focused on Jesus and are thankful through it all… thank you for reminding us of all these!


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